YOU FINALLY KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE STUCK IN YOUR OWN HOOD!!!! There is only one way to get out of Your Hood! MAMA DID HER BEST! Growing up in the hood sucked! Though I’m grateful, my mama did all she could. It still sucked! There are so many ways I could explain, but in one area that I’m sure many of my bros can relate to, is being extremely skinny. THE WALKING TOOTHPICK Compared to my homeboys,
Sweating for someone else's dream may seem like a good idea at first, but it can actually backfire. It’s important to remember that our goals should be based on what’s best for us and not what others want from us. When we sweat for someone else’s dream, we often end up sacrificing our own dreams in the process. So if we want to live a purposeful life, we must Sweat for Our Dream and Not Someone Else's Dream.  It was
Let Your Humiliation Inspire You and Not Discourage You Each of us fear humiliation to a certain to degree, and for some, the thought of embarrassing themselves in front of others keeps them from pursuing the dream in their heart. The truth is, you will have moments in life that you embarrass yourself. But don't let that humiliation discourage you, instead let it inspire you, so that you can realize the dream in your heart. It was April 6, 2013.

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